Nine Habits That Could Be Helping Your Weight Loss Efforts

If you can commit to yourself long-term, losing weight and getting back in shape can happen faster than ever imagined. It’s all about setting goals and doing whatever’s necessary to attain them. Lasting weight loss calls for people to transform their exercise and eating habits. But of course, additional choices that you make daily can also have an effect. Here are 9 habits that could be helping your weight loss efforts.

Don’t take out “bad” foods from your diet

This might sound strange, but if you like chocolate (or any other type of junk food you absolutely adore) you should eat it. Experts agree that people trying to lose weight shouldn’t suddenly remove “bad” foods from their diet. As an alternative, you should limit the quantities consumed daily/weekly. Rather than having 20 squares of chocolate a day, try only 10, then go to 5, and so on. This way, you take out bad foods without forcing your body to give up its favorite type of “fuel”. Moderation is the key to consuming your favorite foods.

Try developing a routine

Shedding extra pounds is all about creating healthy habits. There’s no way around this. To achieve your goals, you must develop a routine. Stick to it and see it as a new lifestyle. For your body to get used to 3 meals/day, all healthy and all at the same hour, you must allow 20 days. It will be difficult at first, but once you get used to it, you won’t see the schedule as something forced but rather as a habit. Create a menu each week and stick to it. Knowing what you are going to eat could help your weight loss efforts.

Eat clean foods

Eating clean means consuming unprocessed or minimally processed foods, which doesn’t necessarily mean you should only eat fruits and veggies. You can cook your food, but in a less damaging way. Forget about frying and stick to boiling and roasting. This way, your body will receive more nutrients, leading to weight loss and prolonged satisfaction. Eating clean will make you feel healthier and more energetic, and activities like swimming can help you burn almost 300 calories in just 30 minutes.

Emphasize daily exercise

Don’t see exercise as dreadful and painful; find a way to make this activity fun. You can try different types of workouts that are not tiring or difficult. Aqua fitness, kango jumps, and even riding the occasional bike on the weekend are all excellent ways of burning fat without forcing the body to do an activity it can’t do.

Eat small meals often

Eating just three main meals during the day is not enough for some people. Eat every three hours to keep your body satisfied and energized without gaining weight. Include as many fruits and vegetables as you can, and this way, your body will remain full. You won’t have the time to crave junk food anymore, and you will be livelier than ever. Smaller meals are easier to digest and don’t put a strain on your body.

Substitute favorites with healthier versions

Giving up favorite foods to lose weight is not the smartest approach. It is important to keep enjoying the foods you love but in healthier versions. Do you love ice cream? That’s great. Rather than buying it, have you ever thought of making it? There are tens of healthy, low-fat, delicious alternatives you can try out.

Stay hydrated

Drinking lots of water during the day is vital to losing weight. However, some people just don’t like to drink it and most don’t have 2l/day. Alternatively, you can try to include smoothies, shakes, and soups into your diet; replace tap water with fizzy water, and add a few strawberries and lemons for some taste. Two glasses of water before a meal is a habit that could be helping your weight loss efforts.

Weigh yourself often

Weigh yourself often, but don’t do it three times a day. Try to weigh yourself as soon as you wake up every morning. A scale will help you become more aware of your body. Adding pounds weekly is a clear sign that you’ve started to overeat. Make gradual changes, though, and you’ll lose weight without realizing it.

Include supplements into your diet

Dietary supplements must never be taken at random. All types are available in the marketplace, so you need to select the one appropriate for your needs. Some of the most common supplements have natural ingredients (green tea, berry extract, etc.) to help the body burn fat faster. This won’t happen if you don’t exercise though.

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